Friday, 30 March 2012

The Leadville Training Plan

Today brought in another email newsletter from the Leadville Race Series.  I've been disappointed in the past to see that the information in these newsletters is not remotely useful to me, but this time there was a nugget of relevance.  A simple letter from Dave Wiens, a Leadville superstar, about training for the big race.

In case you haven't heard of Dave Wiens, he's a pretty cool dude.  He's won Leadville six times, and he even beat LANCE ARMSTRONG one of those times.  Like, seriously.  Lance Armstrong.

So, he says it's OK to not "train".  He points out that some people benefit from strict training regimens with heart rate and power monitoring and recovery days, while others can do just as well by riding for fun.  That's right, folks.  By just going out and enjoying riding your bike, you can accomplish just as much as the dorks who know their optimal heart rate.

I find this to be very encouraging.  I shall immediately begin not training, which, incidentally, I have already been doing for years.

On the other hand, we recently watched the Leadville documentary Race Across the Sky, and in it, Dave Wiens' wife (who is a rockstar mountain biker herself) says she thinks he's totally nuts for doing this race. That can't bode well for me.

Follow Dave Wiens on Twitter!  @wienr (really, that's his twitter handle).

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