Monday, 9 April 2012

Exercise Makes me Sick

My cold symptoms have returned!  Like in February, I am back to waking up every morning unable to swallow, then hacking up a gigantic green booger.  It's unpleasant, to say the least.

And I'm wondering if it's a result of "overtraining".  Now, Bruce scoffed at me recently when I suggested that my sudden immune system failure (after years of never getting sick) could be from overtraining.  I'm barely training at all, let alone overtraining.  But my reasoning isn't that wacky.  I read in this book:

...that overtraining can happen to anyone (even schmucks like me) because it isn't just the training that causes the immune system to be run down, but the cumulative life stress of the trainee in question.  Admittedly, I don't handle stress well and I generally use my down time to re-charge.  Lately, I've spent a lot more of my down time exercising than ever before.  I've also taken on more responsibility at work.  I feel stretched out, like "butter scraped over too much bread" (-Bilbo Baggins).

The other factor is that we went for a road ride on Friday afternoon.  The weather was gorgeous, the road was dry, and I felt really good for the whole ride.  Then I got sick.  I know correlation does not equal causation and all that, but I really feel like if I push myself past my limits my body won't respond well.  And, unfortunately, my limits don't seem very high at the moment.

(Training Techniques for Cyclists also gave me a few other training gems.  It's a short book - I read it in one sitting - but I thought it was useful.)

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